Govt report: IMF windfall attracts US$10m interest
Official documents revealed that the country also paid US$14 million to the China-Exim Bank as part of the external debt service payments.
By Freeman Makopa
Dec. 13, 2024
Debt crisis cannot be wished away by govt hollow rhetoric
ZIMBABWE’s efforts to tackle its long running debt crisis will be predicated on authorities’ sincerity and readiness to roll out sweeping reforms.
By Tinashe Kairiza
Mar. 3, 2023
British expert pokes holes in Zim debt plan
The country owes domestic and foreign creditors about US$17,5 billion, according to statistics from the Zimbabwe Public Debt Management Office.
By Tinashe Kairiza
Mar. 3, 2023
Lenders slap Zim with US$2,1b penalties
Arrears in principal, interest, and penalties are nearly equal to the country's $4,5 trillion (US$6,7 billion) 2023 national budget.
By Mthandazo Nyoni
Dec. 18, 2022
Toxic debt terrifies authorities..…Zim ratios below global benchmarks, penalties mount
The Zimbabwe Public Debt Management Office said while the country’s ratios fell within internal benchmarks, they were way below key international benchmarks.
By Shame Makoshori
Oct. 25, 2022
Dangers lurk in Zim’s appetite for US$, Euro debts
Zimbabwe’s total debt was estimated at about US$17,2 billion at the end of last year,
By Shame Makoshori
Oct. 18, 2022