Bogus cop in court over bribes
According to court papers, Ndlovu told Ndomere to accompany him to the police station in order to pay a fine.
By Trevor Mutsvairo
Feb. 23, 2025
Food crisis escalates in Matabeleland region
Chief Khulumani Mathema of Gwanda in Matabeleland South said the food situation was bad in the area under his jurisdiction.
By Silas Nkala
Feb. 19, 2024
Matabeleland urged to vote wisely
Rural Community Empowerment Trust Matabeleland North coordinator Vumani Ndlovu, urged voters to vote wisely.
By Silas Nkala
Aug. 20, 2023
Zanu PF red-flagged for child abuse
In Nkayi, Matabeleland North province, some children were seen chanting Zanu PF slogans wearing party regalia despite them not of voting age.
By Silas Nkala
Aug. 5, 2023