A BEITBRIDGE municipal police officer yesterday morning axed his wife to death at their Dulivhadzimu home before fleeing to his rural home where he hanged himself following a dispute over US$600.
The officer was identified as Paul Muleya.
Beitbridge police boss Chief Superintendent Tichaona Nyongo confirmed the incident, adding that investigations were underway.
“The murder scene (has been) attended to and police are out to attend the husband's suicide scene said to be in Lutumba. Details of the case are still sketchy," Nyongo said.
Neighbours said the couple had a dispute with the wife demanding the money she left behind when she was jailed three months for assaulting a neighbour.
“At dawn, there was commotion and children said their mother was struck on the head with an axe. She died on the bed in thehouse where she must have been struck while in her sleep. There was blood all over the house and even when police took the body of the wife, blood was still oozing,” a witness said.
Two weeks ago, another Beitbridge municipal worker allegedly poisoned his wife and her sister before burning their bodies beyond recognition inside their rented accommodation.
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