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Letter from America: When politicians listen to themselves!

Democrats represent a party that is used to power. It is also the brainy party, run by global elites. As such, global elites no longer represent the people who elected them to Congress but global interests.

September 9 has been scheduled for a presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and the renegade challenger billionaire Donald J. Trump.

Democrats represent a party that is used to power. It is also the brainy party, run by global elites. As such, global elites no longer represent the people who elected them to Congress but global interests.

At the same time, while the Republican Party is the stupid party, it does represent the rebellion of the masses of working white people. In that mix there is a growing number of people of colour who are beginning to see through the hypocrisy of the globalists; they say nice words, but never pay attention to their promises when in power.

Nevertheless, Democrats are formidable because they have captured the “Deep State:” the media houses, the intellectuals and the global military industrial complexes.

Here is a prereview of the race between these two protagonists by a captured media house, The Hill. In their opinion, Republicans should not be given the time of day and a debate between the two is a waste of time.

‘We still have some race to run, but here is the thing that worries me. We are up against a guy who is a convicted felon, he was a terrible president and he continues to be a terrible human, and the race is still tight as a tick.” (September 9).

Progressive voice Jon Stewart regaled his 3 million viewers of candidate Trump’s sins, over-valuing his properties and suffering a fine of US$454 million.

The fact that the sum of US$454 million was supposed to wipe out Trump’s liquidity and render him politically disabled escaped the propagandist. It escaped Stewart that he (Stewart) had sold his New York penthouse for US$17.5 million after an assessor had valued it at US$847 174.00.

Democrat voice Stewart is listening to his own voice and shows complete contempt of the ordinary American’s ability to figure out that the charges against Trump were political.

Steward has not been charged with fraud.

The criminal offences were brought up in the debate by Ms Harris. “You, Trump, have been indicted and are a felon.”

Voters can figure out that Trump did not commit a criminal offence.

His offence was to challenge the political elites who believe that they own the country.

Democrats believe that voters are stupid.

Springfield, Ohio

There are three issues in this election. Immigration has topped all the lists, and judging by events in Europe, the globalists have avoided listening to the voters, or they have dismissed the voters as racists, bigots and misogynists.

Because the elites live in gated neighborhoods, send their children to expensive Quaker or Catholic schools, and do not compete for jobs with foreigners, they are completely indifferent to the issue.

In any case, Democrats want immigrants for the simple reason that no immigrant will vote for Republicans with the knowledge that he might be deported.

In that vein, I was surprised to find that Trump was aware of an event that had happened in Springfield, Ohio on that morning.

In the four years of the Biden-Harris administration 10.6 million illegal immigrants have been allowed to settle in the US.

In Springfield, Ohio, it appears that a batch of 100 000 Haitian blacks, under a special status of protected persons were temporarily settled there in the midst of a white farming community.

Springfield citizens met to protest the presence and the privileges granted to Haitian immigrants.

In particular, the immigrants had overwhelmed the welfare office. A particular annoyance was the attitude of the Haitians towards the myriads of birds and small animals in the city park.

Used to being fed by school kids, ducks approached Haitians with kind expectations. Haitians caught the ducks, ripped off their long necks and carried them off for dinner. One Springfield resident said he found his cat hanging in a smoke house.

Citizens pointed out that the councilmen were all decked up in expensive suits, sitting comfortably under 20 US flags, and apparently unaware of the mayhem caused by unemployed Haitians roaming the streets and hunting for ducks.

As pointed out earlier, Democrats took these complaints to be racist, homophobic and xenophobic.

It now appears that Democrats have lost the state of Ohio to the rebel politician Trump whose slogan is “America First”.

Two devils, a She-devil and a He-devil.

Both Democrats and Republicans have completely ignored the wishes of the US electorate on the issue of genocide in Gaza.

Like Vietnam, the slaughter of innocent Gazans on a daily basis; the bombing of schools and hospitals, images of Arab parents carrying their dead infants with heads blown off, the cutting off of water and electricity to a people living in their own country by Jewish settlers is the moral issue of this century.

Harris, representing the brainy party says the magical words. “I will always make sure that Israel has the right to defend itself and the means to do so.” That is Kamalaspeak, aimed at winning over the 100 000 Muslim voters in Wisconsin.

After the election, the killing of Arabs will continue. Out of 2.3 million Arabs in Gaza, the British medical journal Lancet (August) estimated that 180 000 have died. Ralph Nader (September 9) projects that hunger, diseases and the continued slaughter will raise the figure to twice that figure by end of year.

Trump representing the stupid party, does not know how to use clever words. He wants “the matter finished.” And he accuses Ms Harris of hating the Jewish state by delaying the shipment of bombs to Israel.

One is a she-devil the other is a he-devil. The US is deeply involved in the genocide of the century. The US Congress, Republican and Democrat, have been bought and paid for by Jewish money.

While the economy favours Republicans, the election can easily be swayed by the emotive issue of immigration.

*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwe patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com

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