Last week we talked about prophetic destiny and tried giving biblical examples of people who had prophetic destinies. This week we will continue with the same topic as we give more examples of people whose destinies changed the lives of others. Your life is never a mistake but you are a solution to someone’s problem.
Judges 16:30 (CEV) 30
Then he shouted, “Let me die with the Philistines!” He pushed against the columns as hard as he could, and the temple collapsed with the Philistine rulers and everyone else still inside.
Samson killed more Philistines when he died than he had killed during his entire life.
The story of Samson is an intriguing example of a man born with a prophetic destiny to deliver the Israelites from the bondage of the Philistines.
No army was needed but him alone.
Despite his wrong choices in life God used his weakness to destroy and defeat the philistines.
Samson killed more philistines in his moment of weakness than he did during his days of glorious strength. His story should encourage you that despite all the bad experiences you might have, your experience may transform or help another person going through the same situation remember everyone has a prophetic destiny.
- Sunday Word: Understanding prophetic destiny
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Acts 9:13-17 (MSG) The story of Paul is another example that shows the power of transformation. God chose Saul, a merciless and ruthless man who persecuted the early church to preach His word.
You might be doing somethings that are unthinkable or hurting other people. But deep down you know God is calling you and even as you reading this message you feel God is talking to you.
God knows that you have made plenty of mistakes and have hurt a lot of people in the process. But Jesus is calling you for a special assignment in His Kingdom just like Apostle Paul.
Acts 9:21-22 (MSG) you might face harsh judgement from people indeed but like Paul don’t waste any more time. Don’t let people slow you down or make you to backslide, be focused on your assignment like Paul.
When he was transformed, Apostle Paul wrote more epistles than any other Apostle, planted the most churches in various countries than even the disciples who walked with Jesus. You are also able to do exceedingly more than what you think or ask for as you fulfill your destiny.
Esther 4:13-14 (MSG)
Even if you are a woman don’t look down upon yourself and think that only man have a prophetic destiny. The story of Esther greatly shows that woman can also be used even on a higher level. Esther was able to save the whole nation of Israelites from being wiped away because of the decree her husband the king had made.
She was able to influence the decision so that the Israelites were able to defend themselves. Even if you are a man use that position you are in to transform the lives of others. That position is your prophetic destiny and it’s not by chance but God purposely put you there.
When you look at the story of Ruth you will realize that your social and financial standing does not have an outright bearing towards your destiny.
Ruth 4:13-14, 17 (CEV)
- Boaz married Ruth, and the LORD blessed her with a son.
- After his birth, the women said to Naomi: Praise the LORD! Today he has given you a grandson to take care of you. We pray that the boy will grow up to be famous everywhere in Israel.
- The neighborhood women named him Obed, but they called him “Naomi’s Boy.” When Obed grew up he had a son named Jesse, who later became the father of King David.
Ruth was a poor widow living from scrapping fields for leftovers. But she refused to give up on the God of her mother in-law.
One day she found favor of Boaz the farm owner who married her. Ruth is the great grandmother of King David which is the lineage Jesus was born into.
In all her suffering Ruth never knew she had a great prophetic destiny. You might give birth to someone important in the world. Ruth had a choice to go back to her people, to her country but she believed in her God. So never give up your destiny is bigger than what you think.
1 Samuel 16:11-12 (CEV)
- Do you have any more sons?” “Yes,” Jesse answered. “My youngest son David is out taking care of the sheep.” “Send for him!” Samuel said. “We won’t start the ceremony until he gets here.”
- Jesse sent for David. He was a healthy, good-looking boy with a sparkle in his eyes. As soon as David came, the LORD told Samuel, “He’s the one! Get up and pour the olive oil on his head.”
David was despised by even his family that even when the prophet came to anoint the king, no one even thought of him because he was seen unfit to qualify for such position. But God had other plans. Maybe in your family you are the least intelligent or successful but God has other plans for you. Like David, God is searching for you amongst your family members. That idea which you have, do it God is searching for you. That project idea you have start it, don’t look down upon yourself you have a prophetic destiny in you.
David killed a lion in the wilderness nobody knew about it until He went to fight Goliath and killed him and people recognized him. Start that idea one day people will be shocked when they see you succeed. Your calling is higher than what others think.
Genesis 37:8-10 (CEV)
- His brothers asked, “Do you really think you are going to be king and rule over us?” Now they hated Joseph more than ever because of what he had said about his dream.
- Joseph later had another dream, and he told his brothers, “Listen to what else I dreamed. The sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me.”
- When he told his father about this dream, his father became angry and said, “What’s that supposed to mean? Are your mother and I and your brothers all going to come and bow down in front of you?”
After sharing his dream, Joseph was sold by his brothers. Joseph went through a lot, accused of rape, being jailed and forgotten by those he helped in prison but one day His gift paved a way for Him and He was able to save the whole Egypt and family from seven years of great famine. Even though you have been rejected or idea rejected don’t give up, one day your gift is going to make room for you. If you are a writer continue writing one day your gift will make room for you. If you sing, continue singing one day someone will remember you and one of your songs will break records. Hang on, don’t give up on your prophetic destiny
1 Samuel 9:17-20 (CEV) these scriptures show that everything works for good for those who love the Lord. Saul was busy searching for his father’s donkeys but God used this very incident to separate him to fulfill His plans for him.
It was God’s prophetic setup for Saul to enter into his destiny. You might have lost something but God might be using that very situation to get your attention and make you enter into your prophetic destiny. Whenever something bad happens always look for what God might be trying to say to you. Remember God speaks in many different ways.
Everyone has something to offer in this world. Search deep inside you and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal who you were created to be. You are special and you are the solution to someone in this world.
*Prosper Tingini is the Scribe of the Children of God Missionary Assembly - God’s messengers. Contact details: Mobile & Whatsapp — 0771 260 195. Email address: ptingini@gmail.com