Piggy recently came across an interesting quote from Sherlock Holmes which says, “The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”
The statement gives a picture of a world that has lots of opportunities that most people just do not see. Very interesting indeed. But there is also the issue of timing. Piggy believes that timing is of paramount importance when it comes to seizing certain opportunities.
Let us take the example of Strive Masiyiwa, the London-based Zimbabwean billionaire businessman who owns international technology groups Econet Global and Cassava Technologies. After working as telecoms engineer for the state-owned telephone company and then setting up an electrical engineering business, mobile cellular telephony then emerged. This was the perfect “time” for setting up a telecoms business.
There are plenty of other examples. Bill Gross, the famed bond manager, admitted that he would probably not be where he is today if he had been born a decade earlier or later. Nicknamed the “Bond King”, Gross managed one of the world’s largest mutual funds, focusing mostly on bonds and fixed income investments.
Gross’s career coincided almost perfectly with a generational collapse in interest rates that gave bond prices a tailwind. To Gross, bonds were wealth generating machines but to his father’s generation, that grew up with higher inflation, bonds might have been seen as wealth incinerators.
Does this mean these two gentlemen were lucky? When judging others, attributing success to luck makes you look jealous and mean, even if we know it exists. And when judging yourself, attributing success to luck can be too demoralising to accept.
I think most of us intuitively know this is true — the quality of your education and the doors that open for you are heavily linked to your parents’ socioeconomic status. Life is easier if your father is a church pastor, CEO, minister, or better still a president.
However, luck also means being in the right place at the right time. This principle also applies on the stock market.
- Investments: Timing is everything
- Stars in education
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As shown by the infographic, there are indeed periods, seasons, or specific times when one can make money on the markets. It is definitely not all times!
Piggy has not commented much about the Al Jazeera’s Gold Mafia documentary. While money laundering schemes and clandestine investment practices should never be supported in any economy, the documentary is in itself an eye-opener. There is an opportunity here that ordinary Zimbabweans can take advantage of — a gold rush opportunity.
Today could be the perfect time to set up a gold venture — whether it is in actual mining, smelting, or trading of the commodity. The crux of the matter is that through organised investment vehicles, Zimbabweans (both locals and diasporans) can set up gold ventures, build malls and student accommodation, set up export-oriented agricultural operations and even invest in properties in Dubai.
Yes, that is exactly what Piggy is saying. PiggyBankAdvisor has created a powerful crowd-investing platform that ensures that you are in the “right place at the right time”. Through an innovative social group approach, you can pool your funds with like-minded investors to invest in a diversified portfolio, business venture, or project. The investing bullet train is taking off and do not be left behind.
Join the investment revolution today by downloading the PiggyBankAdvisor App and being part of our WhatsApp Groups (+263 783 584 745).
Matsika is the managing partner at Mark & Associates Consulting Group and founder of piggybankadvisor.com. — +263 78 358 4745 or batanai@markassociatescg.com/ batanai@piggybankadvisor.com