TEAM effectiveness plays a crucial role in every organisation. If any leader is to excel, it takes a lot to bring all diverse talents or human resources to work collaboratively towards a specified goal. At times as the c-suit, we assume bringing people together is enough. A team is more than a group of people — it is also a collective approach towards a goal by different people that have different traits, talents, tendencies, tactics and skills. Hence, leaders must have the ability to intentionally learn, manage, motivate, monitor and measure team dynamics. To help you lead an effective team, here are 12 Cs for team effectiveness.
People are different in many ways, but that difference does not mean we cannot work together. We need to be socially astute and emotionally intelligent in order to work with others who may have different beliefs. There is need for a leader to intentionally work towards connecting people. Secondly, team players must be intentional in working towards connecting.
Corporate culture talks to the norms, values and ethics that paint the corporate atmosphere and ambiance. Teams can be affected positively or negatively by corporate culture. Corporate culture must enable teams to work together. It affects how teams work and the leader is the major driver in this instance.
Conflict transformation
Conflict is inevitable in a group of people. Conflict is healthy, but it must be managed and transformed effectively for the benefit of the organisation. Conflict is a sure sign that we are different in character, thoughts, behaviour and the way we see things.
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Communication is key in teamwork or teambuilding. We are always communicating, this could be inter-communication, intra-communication or extra-communication; it affects how information is relayed. Every organisation must have clear lines of communication, especially in decision-making. How we communicate in an organisation is shaped by organisational culture. Secretive companies encourage a lot of grapevine communication. Most companies neglect the creation of a communication strategy or plan, and this is where most problems start.
Generally, for every team to be effective there is need for individuals to be confident in the systems. Secondly, the leader must be confident in the team players. When there is no confidence in the system, it becomes hard for a leader to delegate responsibility because they would not be so sure if they will deliver. So teams and their leaders must grow confidence in a system. Remember every cog or system of an organisation feeds into each other, and lack of confidence in the system may create a dysfunctional team.
Causalities are part of the team, but every member should try to minimise them through communication, confidence and effective conflict management. Where there is a causality we should not play the blame game, but every team member must have tools to make an assessment and give solutions at how causalities must be avoided.
Central players
In every team there must be known central players. The problem with central players is that they are crucial in the company, but because they are usually involved they tend to be the ones who make a lot of mistakes. Besides, the central player will tire fast because they are central. So, other team players must be willing to help and give a hand to a central play. A central player is crucial, and could be the one who leads to most results.
Co-ordination means working in harmony. Remember, a company is built of different systems or departments. Being in different departments does not mean you are more important than the other. Secondly, one should understand that every stem feeds or feeds off the other.
Collaboration talks about the essence of teamwork — coming together, working together, walking together and even keeping together. It is a mindset which says, we are winning together. There is no winning without the other.
Every member should be alert. First, if you do not perform effectively, you are disadvantaging the company. If you do not respect the roles of other team members, you will end up stepping in their lane. Be very careful of your roles and responsibilities and give space to other members to do their work effectively without you meddling in their terrain.
Team members have feelings, emotions, needs, strengths and weaknesses, so everyone should be considerate of the other team member. No one should feel rejected or dejected in a team. Remember, human beings are not machines. They get tired, frustrated, injured and they have personal needs. As a team member, go out of your way and give more — give support. Touch the heart. You will be remembered more not for what you did, but how you made others feel.
Control factors
Remember, there are things that control every organisation — but are not limited to vision, mission, objectives, strategies, action plans and standard operating protocols (sops), so every team member must be aware of that. This will minimise violations of company rules and stepping on other people’s toes.
This feeds and also feeds off from communication and control factors. There should be clarity to every team member of their duties and what is expected of them. That will take clear communication and well-defined control factors. Hence, the need for constant, clear and concise communication.
This bit also speaks to corporate culture. Creativity must be encouraged and rewarded. Team members must be allowed to exert their mind power without being punished for it. So, when the leader does not encourage people to express their ideas, they will be left with stooges that say nothing, but wait for the bidding of the manager or leader.