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Gokwe community petitions police bosses over corrupt juniors

According to a petition directed to Officer Commanding Gokwe District Chief Superintendent Tsitsi Chikono, Gokwe business community chairperson Francesca Manyowa said the police officers were refusing to arrest suspects linked to breaking-ins despite their identities being known.

THE Gokwe business community has petitioned the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) hierarchy to rein in their junior officers in the area accusing them of corruption and conniving with criminals in exchange for freedom.

According to a petition directed to Officer Commanding Gokwe District Chief Superintendent Tsitsi Chikono, Gokwe business community chairperson Francesca Manyowa said the police officers were refusing to arrest suspects linked to breaking-ins despite their identities being known.

“We are the Gokwe Town Business Association representing the interests of Gokwe town businesses,” the petition read.

“There have been spates of break-ins into our business premises and theft of goods worth several thousands of United States dollars.”

In the petition, the business community named a prominent businessman (name supplied) as one of the culprits sponsoring thieves to steal from other businesses in the area before buying the stolen goods for resale in his shops.

“The cases were promptly reported to Gokwe police and were handled by the Gokwe CID and the following dockets CR 177/05/24 and 175/05/24, among others, were opened.

“Our concerns and worries as the business community are on the deliberate omission of dockets that left out (the businessman and another individual known to be involved in the racket).”

According to the petition, some of the complainants, Pedzisai Nyamukanha and Bhekimpilo Dube, Precious Kapfumvuti and one Gumbo recovered goods that had been stolen from the prominent businessman, but the police failed to arrest him.

Manyowa said more than 15 bags of cement stolen from a Roman Catholic school, St Paul Primary School, were recovered at the same businessman’s premises

“We strongly feel that (the businessman), who was found with stolen goods, should have been charged and prosecuted for the possession of stolen goods as well as the chief suspect in sponsoring the thieves who are wreaking havoc in Gokwe.

“We strongly feel these cases were not professionally handled in a genuine manner. We, the business community, are no longer safe and secure as the thieves are being protected by some Gokwe police details,” Manyowa wrote.

“We feel the police officers who handled the case should be investigated for corruption and serious lack of professionalism. This act of disservice must be brought to an end as it puts the professionalism of the Zimbabwe Republic Police into disrepute.”

However, the ZRP Chief Superintendent District Criminal Investigation Officer 2, whose name was given as A Nhete, assured the business community he would conduct thorough investigations and bring the corrupt officers to book.

Nhete said the outcome of the investigations would be communicated to the community.

“We acknowledge receipt of your complaint dated June 20, 2024 on the above subject matter.

“The matter will be investigated accordingly and the outcome will be communicated to you in due course. CID Midlands complaints against Police number 02/2024 refers,” Nhete said in his response.

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