My Dear People
The rant by Zanu PF spokesman Chris Mutsvangwa a few days ago over the arrest of his son, Neville, on charges of illegally trading in foreign currency made very interesting reading.
Neville was also charged for allegedly contravening the Telecommunications Act after a Starlink router, which is yet to be licensed, was found at his residence.
What raised the eyebrows of your good doctor was the allegation by Mutsvangwa that his enemies in Zanu PF were abusing the judiciary by instigating his son’s arrest as a means of persecuting him.
The claims by Mutsvangwa implied that the country’s judiciary has been reduced to a playground used by politicians in Zanu PF to settle scores .
This has added weight to the long held belief that the judiciary has been captured and has become a poodle of the Lacoste cabal.
That even mafikizolos (newcomers) in Zanu PF, as Mutsvangwa called them, can abuse the judiciary to such an extent shows that the country’s justice system has well and truly gone to the dogs.
The abuse of the judiciary to settle scores in Zanu PF, as pointed out by Mutsvangwa is a damning indictment of the Ngwena- led dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.
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I couldn't help, but chuckle at Mutsvangwa’s claim during the interview that the only gate to power is through the constitution. Munopenga!!!!
He seemingly forgot that Scarfmore, whom he passionately exonerated from causing his son’s woes, was catapulted into power through guns and tanks and not through any constitutional process.
Mutsvangwa’s revealing interview has made it clear that Scarfmore’s reign has turned the country into a banana republic and for the umpteenth time, vindicates the telescopic foresighted Gushungo who had fired the probity deficient Ngwena.
The circus around the new currency, the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) continues with the so-called clarification by the Scarfmore regime of passport fees being charged exclusively in the greenback.
In some attempt to clear the confusion, which only further muddied the waters, the so-called second repubric said it will continue to charge for passports in the greenback despite the introduction of ZiG because of the contractual obligation with the company that helped establish the electronic passport system.
This implies, of course, that if one has a contract in United States dollars, one is not obliged to accept ZiG despite it being backed by the country’s gold reserves.
This is a contradiction of the regime’s own policy of obliging the use of this currency for all transactions.
This exposes the embarrassingly stark double standards that permeate through this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.
How ironic then that as Scarfmore and company speak of the sanctity of the contractual obligation on charging passports in forex with a foreign company, it has no qualms in not honouring the obligation to local companies of paying US$80 million accrued through the foreign currency auction.
To add insult to injury, John the Second said he would rather inconvenience a “few comrades’’ than jeopardise the whole economy, as if it is the fault of the businesses who applied for the forex.
It is this kind of stinking hypocrisy that explains why the country’s citizens are skeptical of this new currency, which cannot even buy a litre of petrol .
Finance minister Mthuli Ncube’s comical plea to war veterans to defend the ZiG as they defended the country during the liberation struggle epitomised the pitiful desperation by the regime to have the currency accepted.
It seems beyond this bespectacled professor that it is only sound economic policies and avoidance of double standards that will help the acceptance of the ZiG not arrests, threats and evoking the history of the liberation struggle.
Revelations that the health institution, Makumbe Mission in Domboshawa can only accommodate three bodies in its mortuary, which has a catchment area of 600 000 people, exposed the shocking neglect of the health sector by the Scarfmore regime.
A morgue attendant at the health centre told a parliamentary portfolio committee that corpses are usually dumped on the hospital floor if the number of bodies exceeded three in revelations that would not be out of place in a Stephen King horror novel.
Such revelations put into perspective just how daft the promises the Health minister Douglas Mombeshora recently made of air ambulances and helipads at public hospitals.
The shambolic state of the country’s health sector in which public health institutions have become death traps is evidence of the shocking levels of incompetence by the regime of the scarfed one.
That even the appointment of the country’s vice-president, Generari, as Health minister only made matters worse, as he focused on clamping down on health workers at the expense of improving the sector, is symptomatic of the hopelessly impoverished and clueless leadership of the Ngwena regime.
Instead of appointing a commission to investigate opposition run councils, the octogenarian should probably take a look at the devastating consequences of his own catastrophic leadership that has turned the country with vast minerals into a laughing stock.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)