Leading insurance firm, BRIGHT Insurance Brokers took the opportunity to celebrate their 2023 success in the industry at their annual golf day which was held at Royal Harare Golf Club last Friday.
A resounding success, the golf tournament saw at least 120 golfers taking part in individual stableford with prizes for longest drive, nearest to pin and top 10 for both men and women up for grabs.
The golf event was also part of the organisation’s strategy to build and foster strong relationships with their clients and different stakeholders.
“As Bright Zimbabwe Holdings we are also very proud that our 2023 trading results were so outstanding to the extent that we take pride in being the best insurance broking house in Zimbabwe. And according to IPEC our gross written premium for 2023, and this is the premium which is being handled by an insurance broker, we as Bright were the highest in that category. We take pride that with your support 2023 we handled the highest volumes of insurance premiums in the country. We thank you so much. With your support we can assure you that we will be here again enjoying part of your premiums,” Bright Zimbabwe Holdings Chief Executive Officer Sam Nyamhamba humorously said.
“As BRIGHT Zimbabwe Holdings we are an organization which is guided by ethical practices, an organization which is guided by integrity and honesty. We are a correspondent of Marsh. Marsh is the leader in insurance broking in the world so in Zimbabwe we remain the sole correspondent of Marsh,” he said.
Nyamhamba was among the winners in the men’s individual stableford and anonymous pairing, but he generously donated his awards to his playing partners.
Agnes Moyo won the tournament overall.
Some of the winners for longest drive and nearest to pin included Martin Mawire, Camillo Masvikeni, Angela Kamhiriri, Dorcas Chihota, Christine Mumbire and Hugo Ribatika