BY HUMPHREY MTANDWA God is love! Men’s love is conditional and at times is only expressed because of a need. Amnon, the son of David, fell in love with Tamar, his sister. Though Amnon said and acted like he loved his sister he proved it was not love when he forced himself on her. He raped a woman he had declared his love for and immediately after he had slept with her the bible declares he hated her.
Her story and his story have been played out throughout history. Many have assumed they were in love when it was just infatuation they had and not real love. True love is only expressed through God. Because God is love and those that are in him channel that love to others. Many assumed they had deep love for each but that passion fizzled out because of differences. God, in describing his love for Israel, sent a prophet to a harlot. Though the harlot left Hosiah, he was told to go after her. God’s love is not conditional like man’s love. He even loved us when we rejected him and sent his son to die for a people that continually sinned against him.
Many young men have burned with passion like Amnon and have gone after those they assumed they loved but later when the passion fizzled out in marriage or while they were still in that relationship with, they began to burn for other women and assumed it was love again. The word infidelity is a manifestation of the spirit that was upon Amnon and many have been possessed by this spirit and only realised they never loved Tamar after they satisfied their desires. Many marriages are broken because people have never understood that love sacrifices. The bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Love gives, love does not put itself first. A person who loves their spouse puts their needs first. The bible, speaking to men, says “love your wives even as Christ loved the church”. Jesus loved the church and he demonstrated his love for the believers through his death. Are you prepared to put her needs or his needs above yours?
Love is looking at your partner’s needs and regard them more highly than yours. Infidelity is not common among men only, it is also among women.
Love goes beyond what you will get. The bible revealing more about love says: “(4) Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud (5) or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. (6) It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. (7) Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (TPT) If we can love as expressed in the bible we will see healthy marriages. Infidelity has destroyed many marriages because people have not yet mastered that love is sacrificial and when we love we have to put the needs of our family above ours. Love is expressed through actions. Though Amnon said he loved his sister, his actions proved otherwise. Today my desire is; let God help you understand what love is for your spouse and your family. Shift any selfish agenda that you carry into a marriage or courtship.
God Bless you
- Humphrey Mtandwa is an Apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com