When abuse seems prolonged, a victim of abuse can become blinded to the chains and restraints over their lives. They assume their abuser is their savior, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as the Stockholm syndrome. Some reach a point where they believe there is no life outside of that abusive marriage or system they are in. Many people assume abuse is only within the context of marriage, but it can occur in the workplace, in a nation, in a church, or any place you can think of.the children of Israel, when they were freed from Egypt,they longed to go back and used garlic and onions as an excuse. Even in our time, a whole nation can be a victim of abuse, yet those being abused have become insensitive to the abuse.Instead of standing against oppressive forces in their nation, like a frog in the boiling water test, the people in that nation become complacent to the situation. When you introduce a frog to boiling water, it will immediately jump out. But if you place the frog in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will remain in that water until it boils to death.Apostle Paul advises not to be ignorant of the devices of the enemy and calls believers to understand there is a war around us. The war is against the devil and his princes who destroy nations by slowly adding heat in the form of difficulties, constraints, and struggles. A nation’s destiny is influenced in the spiritual realm. Moses was sent not only to fight Pharaoh but also to deal with the demonic gods over Egypt. The battle is not against man but against demonic systems.The sad thing is that people within the nation, like the frog, adjust to these austere conditions until they can no longer withstand the difficulties.Zimbabweans need to understand how to wage war and reclaim their position as the Jewel of Africa. If the nation does not resist the devil, he will continue adding heat, making things even harder. Daniel showed us how to deal with princes when he stood for his nation in prayer. The fight is not with those in authority; even Paul says to pray for your leaders. John Wesley said, ‘It seems as if God will not do anything unless man prays.’ When was the last time you prayed for your nation or even for the president? Prayer is not about which political party you belong to; it’s about establishing God’s will.A victim of abuse can apply makeup to hide the scars, but makeup will never cover the wounds of the heart. Unless these wounds are addressed, they can bring great torment and distress to the victim. Studies have shown how women who are abused are prone to become more addicted to pain, and some have been killed because the abuser eventually loses control. People who are abused can try to hide their scars, but the hidden hurts of the heart can torment and lead to civil unrest. For leaders to be blinded to the issues in the nations stirs up the hearts of the people. But for the people not to pray causes those above them not to govern well.
God knows what every nation requires for its people to live in prosperity and enjoy the good of the land. But unless people pray, the enemy may continue to make things difficult. The abuser may even promise change, but a few days later, the victim is subjected to the same abuse. These princes and powers will continue to bleed a nation unless they are dislodged. The responsibility to pray is for every believer who desires to live prosperously and peacefully within their nation.The choice is yours: remain comfortable like the frog and witness the collapse of systems within the nation or stand in the place of prayer until your nation is released.#arisezimbabwe
- Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com