The Bible carries the story of a widow in a season of drought and how she had oil and flour for one last meal.
Even in that desperate state, God required a gift from her and sent a prophet to her house.
The prophet was told by God that he had commanded a widow to feed him, yet the widow barely had enough for herself.
This seems unfair, but God in His wisdom knew that a single meal was a seed, and if released, there would be a miracle of provision.
The prophet approached the widow and asked her to bake him bread and also bring water.
The widow's gift saved her from death and preserved her until the end of the drought.
God had a plan to provide and take care of her throughout a difficult season in her life, but the provision was linked to her obedience.
Luke even said in his gospel that there were so many widows in Israel, yet God sent the prophet to this particular widow.
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God is always with you in every situation, and He has preordained your life.
The most difficult thing is to believe that He has a way out of the situation you're going through.
But you need to understand His ways are beyond men's ways.
In another city, in a season of drought, a prophet declared, "Tomorrow there will be food sold at the gate of the city for unbelievably low prices."
One man who heard the prophet declaring this spoke out, saying how this would be impossible.
And surely, the next day, according to the prophet's word, food was sold at the gate of that city.
God used four lepers to storm the camp of Israel's enemies, who had camped close to the city, and just these four lepers put tens of thousands of soldiers.
This God who has saved whole nations and provided for widows in their seasons of drought functions by principles.
One of His principles is giving.
A man of God I highly respect once said he was sent to preach in a poor village and for some time did not collect an offering until God said, "Why are you not collecting
Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com