ANYTHING that is of value goes through a process. The amount of heat required to make a gold vessel is different from that required to make a plastic vessel.
The intensity of pressure used to mould you determines the type of destiny you carry.
Some people have short-circuited these processes and stopped God’s hand from moulding them to be unique individuals.
Every great man or woman has a story to tell. At times during the moulding, one may not fully understand the workings of God.
Many admire great men and great women but a few are prepared to pay the price it costs to get to that place.
There is always a price to be paid to fulfil your dreams and desires. The cost is different for each person.
The Bible tells the story of a dreamer and his name was Joseph.
Even though God had shown him in a dream his prophetic destiny, it seemed like it was just a dream because those he saw bowing to him in the dream sold him off into slavery.
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Years would pass before the fulfilment of this vision. Many have given up just before breakthrough and unlike Joseph they never saw the fulfilment of their dreams and desires.
I feel like telling someone that don’t lose hope. All great people go through a process, imagine if that person you admire had given up.
There are so many people waiting for the fulfilment of that dream that was released to them. Your dream houses so many other people’s dreams, meaning your desire and pursuits have the potential to feed into other people's dreams and desires.
All of the major and small companies started as a dream but that dream took so much to birth and perfect.
Joseph’s dream was not for his brothers to bow to him, but it symbolised him being a saviour to his family.
When we start off, at times we may misinterpret the worth of that dream or desire. There are companies right now that employ millions of people that were started by people who endured processes others were not willing to endure.
Visions always outgrow the purpose the founder had when he launched it. At times, when God gives a vision and you tell other people they may not see the value you see in your dreams.
The one who carries the dream understands the value it has more than those around him and at times they will discourage you and give you alternative plans.
Imagine when Joseph's brothers sold him, they did not realise he would be used to save them and their wives.
Every great vision faces resistance, especially from those it will benefit the most. Don’t give up and keep focus on accomplishing your vision.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
God saw the difficulties Joseph would go through so he put in his character the strength needed to stand until the fulfilment of the word.
What is that dream God released to you that you have to pay a price for, no matter how much you feel it has cost you, do not give up, keep pushing, your dream will feed many and your plans will prosper.
God Bless You.
- Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com