When the children of Israel were bitten by serpents in the wilderness, God instructed Moses to make a brazen serpent and it was to be used for just that incident.
But what is strange is we see it being destroyed in the time of Hezekiah. The brazen serpent was only to be used in the wilderness but people discovered it could heal other ailments so they began to go there whenever they had a problem.
The challenge with objects like the brazen serpent is though they have the power of God on them, anything that is outside of the instruction of God is idolatry. People can use these objects and because of this many people turn away from God. There is nothing wrong with mediums (mantles and anointing oils) but at times people focus so much on these mediums that they lose focus on God.
The Bible relates how from the body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons were taken to the sick and evil spirits departed, showing us that mediums carry the power that can change lives. But a medium outside of the time or instruction it was given for can cause more harm than good.
The children of Israel were now trapped worshiping the brazen serpent and neglecting worship towards God.
Though it is God who allowed Moses to build the brazen serpent and surely it is his presence on that object, outside of the instruction it becomes corrupted.
Many people have become dependent on these mediums like oils, water and mantles, but what was the instruction for that oil?
Imagine if after Paul prayed for that handkerchief and your uncle has been healed and you store it somewhere safe just in case someone else gets sick.
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Definitely they may get healed but most of the time there is corruption and we lose our relationship with God. Manna would be picked up daily because everything in God must be a daily experience. The Bible says his mercies are new every morning meaning the manna for today is just for today, the word for today is just for that day. What is the current instruction for your life and destiny? Could it be your holding onto something that old.
God desires fellowship and a relationship with us, but what is amazing about him is if his presence touches anything it can sit upon that thing for so many years that people may fellowship with that thing and neglect him.
What is God's word now, have you been blinded by miracles that you no longer notice when it’s a mantle with an old touch and God is no longer there?
There are ministers whom God touched when he sent them but they never came back for the now touch and what is sad is they still produce, but what if they are like the brazen serpent healing from the old but are now corrupted? I love Elisha after he received the mantle (jacket ) of Elijah.
He used it once when he divided the river, but we don’t see him using it again.
Take advantage of the mediums but also take note of the instruction on them and remember he who breathed on them is greater.
God wants a relationship with us and the key is to push to have that relationship with him, and also desire a fresh experience with him daily.
God Bless You
Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com