WITH the global community waking up to the realities of climate change and devastating levels of pollution, protection of the environment has become a top priority.
Environmental and ethical considerations have risen in importance of late and will continue to rise.
In response, sustainability issues appear to have risen in corporate priority with organisations emphasising the need to achieve more with what they currently have but without necessarily squeezing the resources dry.
Supply chain professionals are obligated to deal with suppliers that are devoted to running their business in a responsible and ethical manner. They are, therefore, expected to consistently remain neck-deep in the pursuit of sustainability goals.
There are decades of evidence showing that the pursuit of an ecological balance is a workplace superpower and a societal superpower.
The pursuit of sustainability initiatives as part of the corporate social responsibility agenda could potentially unlock distinctive competitive advantages for organisations.
It is recognised that profitability, survival and competitiveness are still part of the business scenery. However, contributing to planetary wellbeing must be a number one priority with a view to create a safer, healthier and cleaner world.
Pursuing the sustainability agenda is a powerful statement of what your organisation stands for in a predominantly cynical business world.
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Moving towards the shared value sweet spot where the interests of stakeholders are properly balanced is very important as we move into the near future.
Corporate social responsibility means doing the right thing for the right reasons. It is not idealism at all. It is meant to position your organisation in the lane for lasting success.
Corporate social responsibility should not be regarded as a feel-good operation. Such initiatives must not be construed as a box ticking exercise but should be regarded as dedicated shared actions to deliver impact driven outcomes.
Sustainability and business ethics are headline issues everywhere you go, and for good reason. Sustainability must not be viewed as a buzzword; it is the only way forward for organisations across industries.
It is a time-tested strategy for thriving in a world of finite resources. Transforming your supply chain network into a paragon of good corporate social responsibility is a strategic imperative.
This is often best achieved through the use of the carrot approach, rather than the harsher approach of a punitive stick. Keeping your supply chain network in line with corporate social responsibility expectations is regarded as the natural way of doing business today.
Corporate social responsibility comes in many forms and shapes to include environmental responsibilities, which are meant to eliminate the negative impact of business operations through limiting pollution or engaging in eco-friendly practices, such as reduction in energy consumption and using renewable resources.
Supply chains will also be expected to deal with ethical responsibilities mainly focussed on social impact and human rights concerns, such as ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions, abiding to fair labour practices and coming up with policies meant to eliminate discrimination in supply chains.
It will also be important to put emphasis on philanthropic responsibilities, which generally involve donating financial resources coupled with devoting time to promote charity organisations and providing disaster relief assistance in local communities.
Other equally important corporate social responsibilities will revolve around supporting economic growth and development in communities, which the organisation operates, promoting human rights, equal opportunities, supplier diversity, corporate governance, sustainability and ethical trading.
Corporate social responsibility issues have penetrated boardroom agendas everywhere, implicitly or explicitly. It is expected that corporate leaders must move heaven and earth to ensure that they achieve their corporate social responsibility targets, the same way they strive to reach their profit targets.
Instead of one bottom line, there should be three: Profit, people and planet. It marks a major shift away from the traditional view that companies existed only to make profits.
Sustainable ideals will always carry the day, as it stands to reshape commerce, while creating a dynamic future ready workplace. Nowhere is that drive for corporate social responsibility more compelling than in supply chain.
Suppliers with less than savoury reputation for workplace safety are under serious public scrutiny.
It would appear the world order has elevated the significance of corporate social responsibility beyond the functionality level. Such issues will, therefore, continue to dominate corporate conversations well into the foreseeable future.
Having a large philanthropic presence is the right thing to do. Creating a corporate social responsibility resonant supply chain ecosystem that reflects responsible procurement is now a must have.
The bigger picture is to change the world order for the better. In an effort to create true corporate responsibility values for your organisation, you will end up creating ethical values for others, enhancing the organisation’s reputation in the eyes of society.
It is the foundation of sustainable success, which will create a lasting legacy for meaningful change. A business built with sustainability in mind is a business built for the future.
Pursuing the corporate social responsibility agenda means dedicating valuable time and effort to a worthy cause beyond the realm of day-to-day business.
It practically means prioritising thoughtful stewardship of people, planet and products with a view to create value for wider society. Business organisations are regarded as a nexus of relations involving a variety of stakeholders to include employees, suppliers, customers and the community.
The essence of the new world order of corporate social responsibility is doing well for society in order to do good for business. It is critical to leverage gains in reputation and legitimacy through ethical business practices without jeopardising the needs of the future generations.
Supply chain professionals are fully aware that there is a strong correlation between corporate social responsibility and financial performance.
Philanthropic activities and competitive advantage become mutually reinforcing, creating an interesting virtuous circle of progress. There is need to connect the dots between sustainability initiatives and corporate earnings.
Giving back to society and contributing to planetary wellbeing has never been more important than now. It is the necessity that makes every other necessity possible.
In this volatile heightened business environment, the days of blind brand loyalty are over. Those organisations that are not concerned about sustainability issues are constantly facing a tsunami of criticism from customers.
Customers will take pride being involved with a company that is focussed on the triple bottom-line of people, planet and profit. Reputation in front of society is paramount.
Environmentally and socially responsible companies have become the choice of consumers. Durable shareholder value creation could be impossible without the support of customers and other stakeholders.
The heat of consumer opinion has been asserting its influence in business.
Recent times have witnessed an uptick in customer demands. The rise of the consumer class has both driven and presented a challenge to procurement.
Many customers are now choosing brands that are connected to a social cause. The resolve to create a sustainable supply chain will remain strong and unwavering.
Customers the world over, increasingly believe that organisations can no longer do business in a vacuum, divorced from social and ecological issues.
People are willing to shell out more money for the sake of the earth. Where there is disregard of sustainability issues, it will lead to customers “voting with their feet” and taking their patronage elsewhere.
It is a pointer to the onus put on organisations to be driving forces in pushing for the sustainability agenda forward, propelling your brand to the forefront of customer’s minds.
Political impetus towards environmentally friendly policies is on the rise. Pressure is mounting for supply chains to disclose non-financial information, such as greenhouse gas emissions.
Sustainability reporting promotes the voluntary disclosure of information regarding performance on different social and environmental issues.
Supply chain professionals will seek to future proof the supply chain ecosystem of the organisation by making sure that the sustainability rulebook is put in place and strictly observed.
With that said, it will increase the organisation’s accountability and transparency, values that resonate with society’s ethos.
In conclusion, it must be observed that communities are grappling with problems that are global in scope and structurally multifaceted.
The sustainability journey is now mandated as part of everyone’s job. Starting small and picking the low-hanging fruit is often the easiest first step towards a long but rewarding sustainability journey.
Every one of us can do their bit without having to be the perfect role model. The supply chain community must now share not only what they stand for, but what they stand up for.
The next generation of employees is seeking employers that are focused on people, planet and revenue. Business is now expected to turn corporate social responsibility into a pleasure instead of a chore, with an altruistic desire to assist in resolving the ills of society while at the same time increasing corporate attention to socially responsible practices.
It is a non-negotiable focus. It is a gentle reminder that corporate success and social welfare are interlinked.
With so much focus and buzz surrounding sustainability issues, being conscious of the past that has put the world in the position it is in today becomes a priority.
When all is said and done, it is important to remember that there are baby steps that are necessary to systematically right our previous wrongs.
Every attempt is an act of hope. The need to rely on the right momentum to make the initiative a reality is critical. When it comes to climate crisis, we are all neighbours, all members of the global community, which are meant to achieve win-win business outcomes through synergistic value creation.
In other words, with a cause big enough, all stakeholders can unite many potential interested parties. It is important to help each other to read between the lines, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity within the business community.
Suppliers and supply chain professionals must be working in unison to ensure that corporate social responsibility deliverables are achieved. They will end up being your foot soldiers in the march towards supply chain sustainability.
- Nyika is a supply chain practitioner based in Harare. — charlesnyika70@gmail.com