My Dear People
One of the things that I have always known is that Number 2 is quite fond of church and goes there regularly.
With this background, you would expect a better understanding of the scriptures.
Recently, he likened Zanu PF to the giant, Goliath.
Probably, the idea was to try to describe Zanu PF as a behemoth that the opposition would not be able to handle.
The irony though is that the giant Goliath was felled by one little boy, who was armed with nothing more than a sling and a pebble.
I don’t know how the Generari missed this obvious symbolism, considering that Zanu PF (Goliath) is up against a young man, who leads the opposition.
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I think the man needs to revise his scriptures and develop an understanding of the meaning of some of the stories before he makes statements that are only going to bring him ridicule.
Unless of course the man has a vision and the spirit was telling him that the time for Goliath to be felled was close.
Well, by-elections are close and we will get an indicator on the epic David vs Goliath battle.
Speaking of the Generari; he made probably the most unfortunate statement when he likened the opposition to lice that should be crushed on a rock.
This can be classified as hate speech. This raises the need for leaders to choose their words wisely.
Referring to someone as lice that can be crushed dehumanises that person and serves as a dog whistle to your supporters that they can do as they please with that person.
We saw this happening during the “moment of madness”, when someone referred to Zapu supporters as cockroaches and we all know how that ended.
That’s the same script that happened in Rwanda in the mid 1990s, where one tribe was referred to as cockroaches. This led to a genocide.
It is unsurprising, therefore, that a day after Number 2’s incendiary statements, violence was unleashed on CCC supporters in Kwekwe.
This led to the unfortunate and tragic death of Mboneni Ncube.
While there is no way of knowing that the violence in Kwekwe followed Number 2’s statement, a causal relationship between the violence and the statement can be drawn.
We cannot continue to lose lives due to political violence and there is need for leaders to set the tone, in this instance by calling for peace rather than pouring fuel to an already raging flame.
Zanu PF is still stuck in the 1980s way of doing things and the death of Mboneni clear evidence .
We were told that Mboneni was not a CCC member and that Nero and his crew were trying to claim him falsely.
How this was relevant at the funeral of a person, whose life was tragically cut short, doesn’t make sense.

Whether he was a CCC member or not does not matter. What is important is that he should not have died.
We were told that the guys in dark glasses harassed the family and ordered them to disown CCC.
This is a Stone Age tactic by the way.
The family, we heard them, said they didn’t want Nero anywhere near the funeral wake.
Imagine my surprise when I then saw Nero being received with so much warmth.
While the family is certainly shaken, they did not budge and allowed Nero to mourn with them.
This episode showed that Zanu PF is yesterday’s party and still relies on yesterday tactics.
They then act surprised when they lose the youth vote. It’s this archaic method of doing politics that makes the party unpopular among young people.
My condolences to Mboneni’s family. No family should ever lose a loved one in such a cruel manner.
We should not be witnessing people dying due to political violence, rather we need to see people acting maturely and understanding that political differences are inevitable.
Imagine if we all agreed with each other, life would be nowhere near as interesting as it is now.
Chickening out?
Ahh I have no words for Dougie.

His aide last week filed probably the strangest court papers seeking to halt the by-elections for one strange reason or another.
I remember Justice Priscilla at Zec declaring that once an electoral proclamation had been made, nothing short of an earthquake could stop the polls.
I wonder how the courts will rule, but this should be an easy case. Except, nothing is quite clear when it comes to our courts, a shocker could be brewing.
Dougie really wants to have his cake and eat it too.
He wants the power to recall people but doesn’t want elections to replace the people he would have recalled.
I wonder how he thinks this is supposed to work.
Probably the small crowd at his rally was a rude awakening, showing him that he didn’t have the support that he fantasised he had.
Oh well, he must be prepared for a drubbing.
I think ED — Egypt Dzinemunenza kkk — has way more supporters than Dougie.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)