THE Midlands provincial Health and Child Care ministry got a shot in the arm as it received 15 vehicles worth US$305 000 acquired through support from the Global Fund.
Speaking at the commissioning of the vehicles, Midlands Provincial Affairs minister Owen Ncube said the vehicles would improve efficiency in health service delivery in the province, particularly in the areas of HIV, malaria and TB control.
“The vehicles will significantly improve provision of health services through ease of ordering, transportation of drugs, primary healthcare and optimal use of medicines through timeous transportation which ultimately reduces cases of expired drugs,” Ncube said.
“The vehicles will also facilitate efficient monitoring of drug supply, usage and general health services by environmental health technicians, enhance contact tracing of patients under treatment of diseases such as TB, malaria, HIV and Aids, among others.”
Ncube said improved health service delivery was a key outcome indicator under the Health for All by 2025 policy and was in line with the government’s mantra of leaving no one and no place behind.
He said the 15 utility vehicles, which include 10 Toyota Land Cruisers and five Toyota Hiluxes, would be distributed to cover the province’s eight administrative districts.