MUTARE City Council has announced an ambitious plan to reduce its 55 000 housing backlog under its 2023 budget.
This was revealed by Mutare City Council housing director Emma Mantiziba at the belated World Habitat day in Mutare on Thursday hosted by Destiny of Africa Network. (Danet).
The United Nations designated the first Monday of October as the World Habitat day.
This year’s commemorations were held under the theme “Mind the Gap, Leave no one and no place behind.
Mantiziba said: “We want to appreciate the developer (Danet) for pushing things to compliance, the major challenge with some private developers is non-compliance and some settlements end up having challenges, we end up having a headache especially during the rainy season we end up sheltering some people.
“In our 2023 budget the issue of housing is at the center stage and we are eager to reduce the housing backlog. We want to build a flat and probably reduce the housing backlog.”
The local municipality had a record of corruption of double allocation of stands within the council officials. Several officials have already been fired from council over alleged double allocation of stands.
- Destiny of Africa Network steps up preps for World Habitat day
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- Mutare plans to reduce 55K housing backlog
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