ALL the good things the nation wants is what President Emmerson Mnangagwa says and promises: Growing economy; zero tolerance to corruption; openness for business; a listening President; involvement of all Zimbabwean in development, a democratic country; freedom to choose leadership; having investors waiting to come in as soon as elections are over; the Beitbridge-Harare Highway dualisation and name and shame those who do not bring back the externalised funds.
The sad reality is that none of the above has come to pass. These were supposed to be priorities for Mnangagwa’s tenure, but what a yawn his performance has been so far.
There seems to be no sound plan as to where we are going. It looks like Finance minister Mthuli Ncube is alone in solving the problems of this country.
Where is Mnangagwa and the rest of his team? Where are we going and how far are we from our destination. Have we even left the Blue Roof? The rhetoric we all hear is sanctions, the G40 infiltrating Zanu PF and claims that the late former President Robert Mugabe wanted to create a family dynasty.
Clearly, it looks like there is more confusion than before and no one seems to care. Is this the trademark of the new dispensation? - Concerned
Zim must emulate Angola on tourism
ANGOLA is expected to position itself, during the next five years, as one of the main tourist destinations of the Southern African Development Community (Sadc).
In order to achieve this goal, Angola promised to create, together with the private sector, conditions of excellence in priority tourism areas
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Regarding the conditions to favour tourism, there has been the improvement of access roads, telecommunications, power and water supply as well as transport and other public services.
Tourism infrastructure is to be modernised, improving other services to create a more favourable environment for tourism in order to stimulate demand.
Data from the tourism sector indicate that Angola has a Tourism Master Plan approved in 2011 whose implementation expired in accordance with its term, in December 2020, but regarding the relevance of its content little has changed, taking into account that its challenges remain and also because, over the10 years, there are no records of major investments directed at boosting tourism.
The sector’s challenges are related to infrastructure quality, access to tourism products, lack of basic infrastructures (energy, water, telecommunications), especially in areas that are more distant from urban centres.
Sadc is an economic bloc made up of 15 Southern African countries.
With all this being implemented in Angola we are likely to see a surge in the number of tourist in Angola. It hurts Zimbabweans that some countries are making progress in tourism yet we always churn out propaganda.
It seems Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry minister Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu is not making noise about Zimbabwe as a good tourism destination. Does he deserve the post? - Revai Chewa
IN response to Govt officials too corrupt: ED, JEREMIAH MABHENA says: The answer is to appoint Cabinet ministers on merit. Nepotism is one demon that breeds corruption in the workplace and it gets worse if political lineage becomes one of the employment parameters.
FORGET MASEKO says: President Emmerson Mnangagwa speaks like the late former President Robert Mugabe did during his last days in office, which means his days are also numbered.
ADMIRE KADUNGURE says: A fish rots from the head, so government ministers are justified to steal because there is no one to control them.
IN response to Words matter, political leaders must exercise restraint, MARVELOUS VAZUNGU says: Despite all that, I will keep on urging people to register to vote and also encourage others, friends and relatives to go and register to vote. Change is inevitable. Complaining about Zanu PF, while folding our hands will not help. Let us think of our children after graduating at universities. They need decent jobs. Let’s not be hoodwinked into believing Zanu PF will in the next five years be able to do what it failed to do in 42 years.
IN response to Magaya sex probe restarts, NOEL NDALA says: Why is it that Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries leader Walter Magaya is always associated with scandals? Surely, people can’t be lying about one person all time.
CHIWODZA says: Why now and what had stopped the proceedings before. Bribes right?
IN response to ED must revisit his inauguration pledge, STRANGER KAZEMBE says: Those were just empty words which were meant to seduce the gullible. The mask has come off, the world has seen what President Emmerson Mnangagwa is capable of. Whoever gave him the benefit of the doubt should be hanging their heads in shame. Zimbabwe is now worse off under inept leadership or lack of it.
MANXULUMA MBUYAZI says: I’m one of the few people who chose to remain in the diaspora for as long as the country is still under rotten leadership because I don’t believe that anyone from Zanu PF could turn Zimbabwe into a democracy.