IT doesn’t need a rocket scientist to tell that the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is no more. It is more like trying to build something from the fragments which need experts because the facial outlook has been damaged. My condolences.
CCC is like the Zanu PF which went through many stages of formation and rebirth from the black resistance against white colonialism. We have early isolated unheralded resistance until the emergence of Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi hence the full implosion of black resistance under political parties. I don’t want to name the actual party that started open confrontation with white rule leading to full-scale armed struggle, but my main issue is it needed unparalleled togetherness to win that struggle.
But one of the methods used during the armed struggle led by Zanla (Zanu PF) and Zipra forces (Zapu) was borrowed from the Chinese revolution led by Mao Tse Tung and many revered liberation icons of that time. That is why during the war we had night vigils where the black communities were force-marched to be educated as to why they must join or support the liberation struggle against white rule. It was more of awareness campaigns so that everyone is cooked into supporting the liberation. That is to say the liberation struggle was made easy because it mobilised big numbers into the war mood to wage the struggle against white settlers.
Fast forward Zanu PF got into power and became the biggest oppressors of today, running down the economy through fraud and State-organised looting of parastatals and now Zimbabwe is a pariah State.
I must not confuse readers as my point is about CCC and it’s death. CCC under whatever circumstances is MDC Alliance. Whoever fought to disown this truth destroyed CCC. Now Nelson Chamisa has stopped trying to invent his type politics which has proved to futile and difficult to implement.
Chamisa introduced his structureless politics which was practised under a structured earth that have layers of earth formations, trees, rocks, stones, rivers, oceans, wild life and people so it is called earth.
Chamisa's politics of strategic ambiguity was exclusive of the people he should have worked with. CCC failed to survive the test of time. The structureless creature created loopholes for the self-imposed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu’s emergence.
Now Chamisa, is supposed to use his support to organise an inclusive a vibrant political party. But with his exclusive approach where he prefers to appoint his trusted lieutenants without adhering to merit, Zimbabweans will remain hoping for the promised land and won't arrive.
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Politics must not be run on friendly lines or nepotism. There must not be regionalism, but inclusive politics that is able to mobilise everyone into action.
Conformity in Chamisa’s organisation is determined by how much one submits to his dictates without question even if drowning in a pool of crocodiles. - Isaac Mupinyuri