I have asked, with the accommodation of the Holy Spirit that the poisoned chalice, which Sengezo Tshabangu holds be allowed to pass. Nevertheless, I am not always able to choose topics I want.
Tshabangu, a tribalist to boot, who has the brains the size of a peanut, has nevertheless turned out to be the “baddest” brother and betrayer of the CCC party, exceeding the wildest dreams of Douglas Mwonzora and Thokozani Kuphe.
With the mental resources Tshabangu has, or lack thereof, I am certain that he does not fully comprehend what he is being accused of. Working with enablers in Zanu-PF, and with a compromised judiciary, the self-appointed Tshabangu has caused the dismissal of duly elected CCC members from Parliament, thus negating the will of the people.
I will give two examples to show the confusion in his medulla oblongata. He appointed himself secretary general of the CCC (an acronym for Chamisa Chete Chete) without consulting the owner of the trade name. He then removed some parliamentarians because “they don’t look like us”.
Tshabangu himself allegedly has a Karanga father and some Ndebele ancestry. He fails therefore the test of a “pure tribalist”.
Apparently, he has not yet recalled David Coltart. Oh, God of Job the Uzzite, give me patience. I presume Coltart looks like him.
The real issues.
With such brains as Tshabangu has, he could not have gone any distance at all without the financial and legal support of Zanu-PF.
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He also follows a long line of sluggards, who driven the Judas factor, mere jealousy, would rather see the perpetuation of Zanu-PF mismanagement rather than allow a charismatic young man a chance at the helm.
Mukomana, however, should take comfort in the fact that this Judas culture is also prevalent in Zanu-PF. Mukuru, by his own account, has survived at least three poisoned chalices in real time.
Therefore, running away from the CCC party is not a solution. The cup bearers of poisoned chalices, Mwonzora, Kuphe and Tshabangu will follow Mukomana wherever he goes.
Mukomana, therefore, if by resigning he hoped to free himself from poisoned chalices, he is grossly mistaken. Already, I have it on good authority that the powers and principalities associated with Lucifer himself are cooking up an accusation of monetary theft to land him in a jailhouse.
In my opinion, Mukomana has been badly advised. The CCC high council should lay these facts to him, in the hope of recalling him to the front once more.
His second complaint is that he has not had the support of the elders and wisemen of the party, namely Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube. In this case, he should accept some blame. In his star rallies, he has not showcased these elders.
I am remined of the story of the four beautiful elands. The lion, wanting a dinner, told the chief eland that he wasn’t beautiful after all, as he supposed. The source of this information, the lion said, came from Eland Mukono. The she-lion vowed never to graze with the treacherous Mukona again and separated herself from the herd.
We know the end of the story and the fate of the she-Eland.
Mukomana should enter a period of retreat where he can re-examine his leadership style. We can propose this question. Will the CCC party be stronger if left with three Elands, the battle hardened Tendai Biti, the brilliant legal mind of Welshman Ncube, and the beatification of Karenyi Kore.
The charismatic leadership of Mukomana is the glue that binds this team together.
The history of the Indian National Congress (1948 to 2002) is instructive. After Indira Gandhi’s assassination, Congress became an empty vessel, staying in power due to institutional support rather and intimidation.
To make a long story short, virtually every officer, whether in the judiciary, the police or the army had been appointed to that position by Jawaharlal Nehru or by his daughter Indira.
The Nehru family owned the country.
Similarly, all high-ranking officers in Zimbabwe’s structures, whether in the army or the judiciary were appointed by Zanu-PF.
They can be reminded of where their bread is buttered. This is the basis of state capture by Zanu-PF. It is not a mystery.
The future is on Mukomana’s side.
As in India, the Nehru family and their cronies became the most hated dynasty in the country. Similarly, their economic policies, based on crony government tenders (as in Zimbabwe) stifled generational hope. Similarly, in Zimbabwe, despite the abundant resources, the Gold Mafia and crony tender processes, buttressed by a blind global reserve banking system, has destroyed savings for the poor.
With 22 farms, Bona Mugabe is a symbol of the corrupt crony economic system. However, these cronies, like Tshabangu, walk in Jerusalem and even in Judea acting out and cutting up, ignorant of the enormous resentment among the Wainachi.
The Indian Janata Party (1990) started winning seats in the counties and provinces, leaving Congress holding the shell of government in Delhi.
Zanu-PF is a party, like the Indian Congress without people. It, however, holds all the institutions of power to ransom. The Mwene Vazvo represented by Tshabangu, like the Indian Congressmen, are half dead already (in their eighties).
Our Negro Brother Charles Tindley (1933) wrote this famous song.
Courage, my soul, and let us journey on,
Thanks be to God.
The storm is passing over.
I have seen policemen standing by the roadside, hoping to prey on unsuspecting motorists for their daily supper?
I say: Wait on the Lord, the tide is fast running out for Zanu PF.
- Ken Mufuka is a former Zipra representative and patriot.